The TEDACE Project (Multidisciplinary Platform of Tele-rehabilitation for brain injury) is based on the development of software applications for patients with acquired brain injury, based on the monitoring and evaluation of the therapies performed by the patients. The main objective of TEDACE is to provide to the medical team the requested tools to assess the results of the rehabilitation sessions and control the progresses achieved by the patients.
In order to achieve these purposes TEDACE considers the following specific objectives:
- Develop a software application to allow the professional to carry out the medical management of the patient’s rehabilitation, by means of the tracking and the adaptation of the treatment plan on the basis of the patient evolution.
- Develop applications of therapeutic use for patients with acquired brain injury.
ITACA is mainly in charge of the design, development and deployment of the platform; and its later validation and evaluation with users (professionals, caregivers and patients) as well.
Tourism, Energy and Industry Ministry. National Plan of Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011. Telecommunications and Information Society Strategic Action. Year 2011. Subprogram “Avanza Competitividad I+D+I”. TSI-020100-2011-66.
Ficha Tedace | Español
Ficha en español del proyecto Tedace.
Tecnologías para la Salud y el Bienestar.
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Ficha Tedace | Inglés
Ficha en inglés del proyecto Tedace.
Tecnologías para la Salud y el Bienestar.
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