Development of a medical service platform from which to offer specific tele-assistance services of each use-scenario to professionals and patients: e.g telecardiology, to help cardiac patients in their homes via videoconferencing and monitoring of vital data from the Hospital 9 de Octubre; voice tele-rehabilitation by high-quality videoconference, which facilitates appointment making with specialist phoniatrists and rehabilitation sessions with logopedic specialists of the La Fe Hospital of Valencia; tele-gynacology for expectant mothers prescribed complete rest, who can carry out videoconferencing and echocardiograms from their homes under hospital supervision.
Images and Videos
Proyecto Pistacable - Canal 9
Proyecto Pistacable emitido por Canal 9.
Tecnologías para la Salud y el Bienestar.
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Proyecto Pistacable - Telecinco
Proyecto Pistacable emitido por Canal 5.
Tecnologías para la Salud y el Bienestar.
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Proyecto Pistacable - TVE
Proyecto Pistacable emitido por TVE.
Tecnologías para la Salud y el Bienestar.
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