Telemonitor Health is part of the program for the financing of strategic action for industrial diversification in Valencia Community. ITACA has been subcontracted by Technical Solutions for Health and Wellbeing (TSB)
for 50,000 euros, for the display and testing of the technology developped in the Living Lab.
The general aim of this project is to create, in a period of 21 months, an innovative technological sociosanitary system which improves the prevention, control and self-management of chronic illness, and the independence of the elderly affected by osteoarticular and cardiovascular illnesses. This system will combine, in a unique scheme, a portable system of control and communication of the state of health as well as patient tracking, in real time, as well as a domotic contol system and detection of movement within the home.
The specific objective of the work that TSB will be carrying out, and which ITACA will support, is to determine the information needs of each one of the implicated agents, that is to say, the patient, the carer and the healthcare professional. The information needs of each one are different, and must be taken into account both for the management of the system as well as the type of information obtained.
Ficha Telemonitor Health.
Descripción del proyecto Telemonitor Health.
Tecnologías para la Salud y el Bienestar.
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